Tukaj ...

Zadnje leto 2014 je Vila Malina postala mini oblikovalski studio, z željo po lastni kolekciji papirnih izdelkov.

Vila Malina je bitje, ki me že dolgo navdihuje.
Za kar sem še posebej hvaležna Svetlani Makarovič, ki je pravljico o Vili Malini napisala
in mi leta 2005 dovolila uporabo imena.

Svojo prvo kolekcijo tako posvečam tej samosvoji, neustrašni vili, ki kljub različnim težavam in hrepenenju po nečem boljšem, težko dosegljivem na koncu vendarle najde svojo malino.*

Ideje motivov so se v moje misli ujele med sprehodi po gozdu in so odraz vsakdanjega življenja in želje po svobodi duha.

*prirejeno po Emka.si

Here ...

In this year Vila Malina has transformed itself into a mini design studio, with a desire of creating our own paper product collection.

Vila Malina (Fairy Raspberry) is a small creature which has been inspiring me for a long time. I am especially grateful to Svetlana Makarovič, who wrote the fairy tale Vila Malina and gave me the rights to use this name in 2005.
My first collection will thus be dedicated to this stubborn, fearless fairy who, in spite of many difficulties and the desire for something better and almost unreachable, finally finds her raspberry. Many ideas for motifs were caught in my mind during my daily walks through the forest; they are a reflection of everyday life and a desire for a free spirit .

INSTADIARY & PAPERWORKS by Vila Malina  •  instagram: @vila_malina  •  mail: instadiary@icloud.com